How to farm BLXM:WETH liquidity
2022 is all about roadmap, delivery and execution. After launching our liquidity farming for Binance Smart Chain two weeks ago (with TVL at this point ca. 500,000 USD), we now add liquidity farming for Ethereum as well.
- To start pls. navigate to the BLXM:WETH Liquidity Farming page at
- Once on the BLXM farming page, tap on the button on the “Connect Wallet” button on the top-right corner of your screen.
- Choose from the available wallet options. You can use MetaMask, Wallet Connect, Trezor, and a few others.
- We will assume you don’t have any BLXM:WETH LP tokens yet. You get those by providing liquidity to the Uniswap BLXM:WETH liquidity pool for that. You can click on the button labelled “GET BLXM-WETH LP Tokens” shown here or go directly to
the Uniswap BLXM:WETH liquidity pool link:
5. Add the amount of liquidity you wish to deposit You can enter either WETH or BLXM. The pool will automatically calculate the other side of the pair for you:
6. You will first have to approve Uniswap to interact with each of the two token contracts, i.e. “Approve WETH”
7. Approve BLXM in the same way.
8. Now execute and supply the amount of liquidity chosen to Uniswap. IN the example given, I am providing 0.05 WET and 63.4918 BLXM as liquidity to Uniswap.
8. You will now receive Uniswap LP tokens for BLXM:WETH liquidity.
9. Go back to the BLXM:WETH liquidity farm now and stake the LP tokens received:
10. Your wallet will also prompt you to confirm the transaction, kindly do so.
11. Wait for a few moments for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain.
12. A notification saying “LP Tokens Staking Complete” will appear.
13. That’s it! You all set, and on your way to earning daily BLXM rewards as a liquidity farmer.
14. To confirm your LP tokens are working for you, head back to the TokensFarm website.
15. Click on “My Farms” at the top left part of your screen. Your staked LP contribution will appear.
For more details on the BLXM LP farming program check out our detailed announcement. As always, the team and the community at large are at hand to answer all your LP farming inquiries or help you solve any issues you might experience while farming.
Happy Farming
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